
Peter Bregman

It was namm 2017. i was in awe at the chase bliss booth admiring the launch of their brothers pedal. peter designed the analog portion of the pedal. i hit him up with only the idea of launching a compressor with a gain stage. peter immediately gravitated me toward a vca design based off of a famous studio compressor we’ve all heard on countless albums. he set off to work and a few prototypes later he had the design in it’s current rendition. i owe a lot of this first pedal to his expertise and knowledge as a musician, a circuit designer, and last but not least a studio engineer.

peek more of his work here:


Jake Swogger

This is Jake, a graphic/product designer who lives up in Minneapolis and makes super rad guitars for his company MPLS Guitars. PEter introduced me to him when I was looking for someone to put the graphics up on my first device, the compressor. Jake did his thing and gave me a very classy but balanced template for the comp. I wanted sleek, modern, but a hint of flash. He definitely delivered.

check out more of jake’s work here:

Cusack Engineering & Manufacturing

I contacted Jon Cusack to manufacture the Compressor. His years of experience in manufacturing for other brands led me to choose him. Jon is based out of Michigan where he runs a fantastic team. He also owns and operates Cusack Pedals and Mojohand FX.